A quick detour from our California Privacy Protection Act Series (Part 1 & Part 2) to discuss something that should be important to all of us, our legacy. Insurance gives us peace of mind by protecting what we have so we can invest into things we love. One of my favorite words, posterity, is found in the preamble of the Constitution. Securing the blessings for all future generations is a lasting legacy and my career in insurance has allowed me to pursue this.
Tomorrow for Memorial day we take time to remember, celebrate, and honor those who have given us so much!
One way you can do this by finding a cause that is bigger than yourself. The cause that I am passionate about is youth homelessness. For the past 15 years I have been part of an organization called Care House. We serve at-risk kids in San Diego by helping them with their real life problems. Close to 20% of the kids in San Diego live below the poverty line.
Help comes in the form of food, clothes, school supplies, life changing experiences, friendship, mentors, and hope. We have taken kids to places like Poland and Hawaii which over the years has produced amazing fruit.
We continue to provide scholarships and regular outreaches to an underserved community. Last year we served a record number if families and we want to continue build on that success.
If you don't have a cause or if you want to support this one I invite you to sponsor a kid at our Annual Care House Walk-A-Thon. Any donation is appreciated and if you are interested in learning more send me an email or visit carehousekids.org
Next week we will get back to the regulatory breakdown of CPPA. For those that have lost a loved one who has served I want to take a moment to thank you and your family for the greatest sacrifice and sign of love.
Thank you!