Hello Friend,
Thank you for taking some time to catch up with me. It has been a year since I last wrote you and to say the past year was eventful would be an understatement. With everything moving so fast I forgot to slow down and tell you what has been happening in my world, or should I say, in our world. I have been thoroughly immersed in this nebulous idea of Digital Transformation which is both enlightening and time consuming. The journey has brought me full circle and I want to share my discoveries with you. In my efforts to pursue technology I forgot about the most important piece of my business which is you.
When I first started this company my tagline was, "I look forward to developing a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with you." In my pursuit of innovation and efficiency I seemed to disregard the importance of real communication. Even when we spoke I would regularly ask you to just email me. I used technology as an excuse to not spend time with you and find out what you really needed because what I cared about is what I thought you needed from me. There were some amazing things I accomplished while I neglected our friendship which I hope will be of some value to you. I would like to share this with you and let you know my intentions moving forward.
We have finally transitioned BindDesk to our new platform. We have added new products to better serve your clients and more importantly free up some time so we can reconnect on a human level. Although the intention was somewhat selfish, my ultimate desire for this company was to stay true to the mission of "Helping the insurance industry become more efficient. We will achieve this by educating the marketplace of advances in technology as well as improved Best business practices. It is also our vision to connect industry leaders and professionals which will ultimately improve the insurance distribution chain."
BindDesk will continue to utilize the platform built by insurEco for improved product access and distribution. We continue to add new carriers and programs regularly in a manner we think you will enjoy. If you don't then I welcome feedback on how to make the experience better! If you haven't logged in lately schedule a meeting with Greg Liewald for a quick refresher and update. In addition to new products and delivery system we are looking for improved ways to better serve you.
I mentioned earlier that I really did dive deep into the Digital Transformation! Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud, Machine Learning, pick a tech buzzword and I can assure you I have most likely created a proof of concept for insurance using it. If you are about to go down any of these expensive rabbit holes feel free to ask me for a roadmap or even better a visitor's guide. I would love to discuss anything in the tech space because as you know I am a nerd at heart and would love to geek out with you about innovation.
The thing I am most proud of is I finally got the State of California to approve my first continuing education course! This is the first of our new micro C.E. classes that will be built around the products we are offering and soon will be in a webinar format. Now the next time you spend an hour with me you will also be rewarded with some product knowledge and check off some state mandated education requirements. The idea is to educate you on insurance products that are often neglected and make it easy for you to recommend them to your clients. The BindDesk platform will allow you to automate as little or as much of this as you want. The main point of the education initiative is to release a tool called E&O Guard. The tool will allow you send out a personalized insurance offerings for coverages your clients currently do not have. The offerings will come with relevant news, statistics and educational information to assist in the buying decision.
I am very excited about the opportunity to rebuild and strengthen our relationship. I intend to write you every week with the Goal of informing you on current insurance news and trends that affect our business with an emphasis on education and technology. This is the first of many Sunday Night for Monday Morning "Block Letters".
Thank you for the investment of your time. I hope to give you a good return on our relationship.
Philip Duncan

Thank you! I look forward learning about you and your business.